Viction Partners With D3 To Apply For And Obtain .VIC Top-Level Domain

Viction Partners With D3 To Apply For And Obtain .VIC Top-Level Domain

Viction is delighted to partner with D3, a next-generation domain name company building interoperable digital identities, and helping us bring real .VIC domains to the Viction ecosystem. Together, we are working exclusively together to apply for and obtain the real .VIC top-level domain (TLD) and launch them in the Viction ecosystem, taking a significant step towards mainstream Web3 adoption.

In our quest to seamlessly integrate blockchain technology into everyday life, we recognized the challenges posed by traditional Web3 naming systems. Complex wallet addresses and unfamiliar terminology can prevent new users from entering the blockchain space. That's why we are excited to introduce D3 on Viction, providing human-readable domain names that effortlessly integrate with existing internet infrastructure.

Both D3 and Viction share a vision of making Web3 more accessible and user-friendly. Viction's focus on zero-gas transactions and user experience aligns perfectly with D3's mission to bridge the gap between Web2 and Web3. 

Together with D3, we can expect exciting developments in the coming months with the Viction ecosystem becoming more interconnected and user-friendly. This is just the beginning of a journey towards a more accessible and secure Web3 for everyone.

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Stay tuned as we continue to innovate and empower our community with the power of D3 on Viction. Together, let's shape the future of Web3 and make it accessible to everyone.

About D3

D3 Global is a digital infrastructure provider that delivers secure, decentralized, and interoperable identities on the root layer of the internet - the Domain Name System (DNS). D3’s patent-pending platform will be the first to deliver real domain names that seamlessly bridge the gap between traditional Internet infrastructure and Web3 ecosystems. D3 team consists of industry veterans with over three decades of collective experience, known for leading domain name monetization, internet protocols, and various TLD operations including .xyz, .inc,

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About Viction 

Viction is a people-centric layer-1 blockchain that provides zero-gas transactions and heightened security, making Web3 accessible and safe for everyone. With a design emphasis on user experience, Viction prioritizes zero-gas transactions through the innovative VRC25 token standard, alongside speed, security, and scalability, all contributing to a more secure and open world.

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